MICHAEL BISPING (18-2) VS. DAN HENDERSON (25-7): Round 2: Henderson takes to the center of the cage, misses on an overhand right and takes a jab to the nose. Bisping follows with a body kick before the two misses with simultaneous power shots. Henderson uses the right to charge in, but Bisping answers with a quick knee from the clinch. Henderson's next overhand right finds its mark, though, but Bisping shakes it off. Bisping lands a nice left before sidestepping Henderson. Both fighters then miss on big looping right hands. Bisping works a combination but is out of reach to do much damage. Henderson charges in, blocks a knee to the body but can't avoid Bisping's right. After an inside leg kick, Henderson scores a massive overhand right that knocks Bisping out cold. Henderson winds up and drops a huge right to the face of his unconscious opponent before the referee can stop him.
CHAMP GEORGE ST-PIERRE (19-2) VS. THIAGO ALVES (22-5) - welterweight title fight: Round 3: Alves amps up his energy level and goes on the offensive. However, he walks into punches before sprawling free of a takedown attempt. The fighters return to the center of the cage and trade shots for the next minute. Nothing significant lands until each lands a nice body kick. St-Pierre snaps off two rights and then shoots and again puts Alves on his way back. St-Pierre frees a leg and looks to improve the position while softening Alves with punches. Alves again muscles his way back to his feet by simply overpowering the champ. St-Pierre trips him up with a leg kick. The fighters trade jabs and then an exchange of rapid-fire shots before retreating. Alves wipes the blood from his nose but is then knocked on his back by a left from St-Pierre. The Canadian pounces on his opponent and unload ground and pound as Alves recovers and defends. Alves ties up St-Pierre and avoids any additional damage before the round sounds. Another clear round for St-Pierre, 10-9, who's up three rounds to none.
CHAMP GEORGE ST-PIERRE (19-2) VS. THIAGO ALVES (22-5) - welterweight title fight: Round 4: A huge ovation gets the championship fourth round underway. Alves shakes off an inside leg kick and continues pushing forward. St-Pierre pops him with jabs and then shoots and again easily secures the double-leg takedown. With one leg free, St-Pierre looks to make it two. St-Pierre flattens out his opponent and holds him tight to his body. Alves backs out and gets to his feet at St-Pierre remains on his back. Alves swarms on top and throws punches to the head and body. A couple get through and connect flush. St-Pierre, though, again pulls him tight, but Alves postures up to rain down a punch and then a series of them. However, St-Pierre kicks his way free and gets back to the standing position. St-Pierre still looks extremely fresh, though Alves is far from tired. Alves telegraphs and misses an uppercut before St-Pierre again scores a takedown at will. St-Pierre moves to half guard, Alves rolls to his knees, and St-Pierre takes his back with 25 seconds to go. Alves fends off the rear-naked choke and waits out the round.
JON FITCH (22-3) VS. PAULO THIAGO (11-0): Round 2: Thiago blocks a head kick, but Fitch clinches and eventually trips him to the mat. Fitch lands in sidemount but has little room to maneuver against the cage. Thiago again slaps on a guillotine from his back, but he doesn't have the grip or position he needs. Thiago tries to work his way free, but Fitch takes his back and tries to sink in his hooks from the standing position. Thiago breaks free and now puts Fitch against the cage. Fitch, though, scores another takedown and takes top position. As Thiago rolls for better position, Fitch takes his back and again tries to lock in his hooks. Fitch secures them and works for the rear-naked choke, though he's a little too high initially. Thiago tries to back out of the hold as Fitch works short punches to the body. Fitch then tries to readjust as Thiago tries to escape from the position. Thiago gets to a kneeling position, but Fitch remains on his back as the round closes.
T.J. GRANT (14-3) VS. DONG HYUN KIM (12-0-1): Round 2: Kim connects a left hed kick. Grant quickly defends and regains hos composure before landing a right and charging in. With Kim pinned against the cage, Grant works for the single leg. Kim defends, reverses the position and puts Grant in the guillotine submission from top position. Three in a row? Nope. Grant escapes but is now on his back as Kim works from full guard. Grant goes high with his guard but eats a right and a few elbow strikes. Grant is looking frustrated on his back as Kim continues a dominant top games that includes some pretty nasty shots. Grant, though, ties up Kim and has him stretched out in an odd position, but Kim backs out and stands over his opponent. He missed when raining down a shot but quickly returns to full guard. Grant works for an arm, but Kim gives up an effort to free a leg and puts Grant back into guard before posturing up and just missing with a huge right hand from the standing position. A timeout is called when Grant connects on a kick to the face while Kim still has a knee on the mat. A point may have been deducted for the illegal blow. The fighters restart from the standing position as the round expires. - 31491
CHAMP GEORGE ST-PIERRE (19-2) VS. THIAGO ALVES (22-5) - welterweight title fight: Round 3: Alves amps up his energy level and goes on the offensive. However, he walks into punches before sprawling free of a takedown attempt. The fighters return to the center of the cage and trade shots for the next minute. Nothing significant lands until each lands a nice body kick. St-Pierre snaps off two rights and then shoots and again puts Alves on his way back. St-Pierre frees a leg and looks to improve the position while softening Alves with punches. Alves again muscles his way back to his feet by simply overpowering the champ. St-Pierre trips him up with a leg kick. The fighters trade jabs and then an exchange of rapid-fire shots before retreating. Alves wipes the blood from his nose but is then knocked on his back by a left from St-Pierre. The Canadian pounces on his opponent and unload ground and pound as Alves recovers and defends. Alves ties up St-Pierre and avoids any additional damage before the round sounds. Another clear round for St-Pierre, 10-9, who's up three rounds to none.
CHAMP GEORGE ST-PIERRE (19-2) VS. THIAGO ALVES (22-5) - welterweight title fight: Round 4: A huge ovation gets the championship fourth round underway. Alves shakes off an inside leg kick and continues pushing forward. St-Pierre pops him with jabs and then shoots and again easily secures the double-leg takedown. With one leg free, St-Pierre looks to make it two. St-Pierre flattens out his opponent and holds him tight to his body. Alves backs out and gets to his feet at St-Pierre remains on his back. Alves swarms on top and throws punches to the head and body. A couple get through and connect flush. St-Pierre, though, again pulls him tight, but Alves postures up to rain down a punch and then a series of them. However, St-Pierre kicks his way free and gets back to the standing position. St-Pierre still looks extremely fresh, though Alves is far from tired. Alves telegraphs and misses an uppercut before St-Pierre again scores a takedown at will. St-Pierre moves to half guard, Alves rolls to his knees, and St-Pierre takes his back with 25 seconds to go. Alves fends off the rear-naked choke and waits out the round.
JON FITCH (22-3) VS. PAULO THIAGO (11-0): Round 2: Thiago blocks a head kick, but Fitch clinches and eventually trips him to the mat. Fitch lands in sidemount but has little room to maneuver against the cage. Thiago again slaps on a guillotine from his back, but he doesn't have the grip or position he needs. Thiago tries to work his way free, but Fitch takes his back and tries to sink in his hooks from the standing position. Thiago breaks free and now puts Fitch against the cage. Fitch, though, scores another takedown and takes top position. As Thiago rolls for better position, Fitch takes his back and again tries to lock in his hooks. Fitch secures them and works for the rear-naked choke, though he's a little too high initially. Thiago tries to back out of the hold as Fitch works short punches to the body. Fitch then tries to readjust as Thiago tries to escape from the position. Thiago gets to a kneeling position, but Fitch remains on his back as the round closes.
T.J. GRANT (14-3) VS. DONG HYUN KIM (12-0-1): Round 2: Kim connects a left hed kick. Grant quickly defends and regains hos composure before landing a right and charging in. With Kim pinned against the cage, Grant works for the single leg. Kim defends, reverses the position and puts Grant in the guillotine submission from top position. Three in a row? Nope. Grant escapes but is now on his back as Kim works from full guard. Grant goes high with his guard but eats a right and a few elbow strikes. Grant is looking frustrated on his back as Kim continues a dominant top games that includes some pretty nasty shots. Grant, though, ties up Kim and has him stretched out in an odd position, but Kim backs out and stands over his opponent. He missed when raining down a shot but quickly returns to full guard. Grant works for an arm, but Kim gives up an effort to free a leg and puts Grant back into guard before posturing up and just missing with a huge right hand from the standing position. A timeout is called when Grant connects on a kick to the face while Kim still has a knee on the mat. A point may have been deducted for the illegal blow. The fighters restart from the standing position as the round expires. - 31491
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Diego Penn invites you to watch BJ Penn VS Diego Sanchez UFC 107. For laughs, you can Watch Royal Pains Episodes.