DAVE KAPLAN VS. GEORGE ROOP: Round 1 - Kaplan works kicks and Roop punches, but little lands early. Roop misses with a head kick. Roop partially connects on a combination of punches and follows a bit later with a nice body kick. Roop scores one of his own. Kaplan has a trickle of blood coming from the bridge of his nose. Kalplan lands an overhand right as Roop moves in. The fighters continue trading punches and kicks with no sense this fight will go to the ground. Roop with a nice front kick to the body, but Kaplan connects on the second part of his combination with a left. Kaplan becomes the aggressor and punches through Roop's reach. Roop throws a head kick that partially connects, but Kaplan shakes it off. Roop lands an uppercut and body kick, and Kaplan shoots, scores the takedown and backs Roops into the fence. Kaplan stands and eats an upkick and then backs off and allows his opponent to do the same. Both fighters get in a few more licks before the end of the round.
PAT BARRY VS. TIM HAGUE: Round 1 - All smiles as the fighters touch gloves. Hague throws the first punches and forces Barry to retreat before he charges forward with a looping right that partially connects. Barry, a smaller heavyweight, showing the speed and elusiveness he talked about. Barry stuns Hague with a combo and head kick and has his dazed. But Hague grabs hold and forces the fight to the mat to regroup. Barry takes to his knees, and Hague blankets him and locks in a guillotine choke when Barry pops out his head. After locking in the body triangle, Barry is forced to tap.
FRANKIE EDGAR VS. SEAN SHERK: Round 3 - Sherk swings with a sense of urgency, but Edgar patiently waits for an opening while circling away. Edgar throws a lazy hook, and Sherk makes him pay with a lightning-quick double-leg takedown. Edgar, though, quickly gets back to his feet. Both fighters look to shoot and knock noggins. Edgar goes high with a head kick that basically just lands as a face slap. Back to the center of the cage, and the pace slows a bit. Edgar shoots, Sherk quickly sees it coming, and we restart in the center of the cage. This time Sherk shoots. Edgar sprawls and easily defends from the takedown. The fighters trade punches again, and Edgar counters with a solid three-punch combo that lands. He then stuffs Sherk's shot and makes him pay with a quick right. With 10 seconds left, Sherk shoots one final time, but Edgar locks in a deep guillotine and pulls guard before the horn sounds.
DAN MILLER VS. CHAEL SONNEN: Round 2 - The fighters trade kicks. Miller catches one, but after a scramble for position, the fighters clinch against the cage, where Sonnen scoops up Miller and slams him to the mat. Sonnen again gets trapped in a guillotine, but he frees himself and works the body with punches. Miller tries to pull him tight from below, but Sonnen postures up and drops a solid elbow strike to the face. Sonnen works a few hammerfists to the mug and follows with shots to the body. Sonnen's assault slows before Miller slaps on an armbar. He tries to stretch it out, but Sonnen breaks free and returns to his opponent's guard. Miller again pulls him close, but Sonnen gets through a couple elbow strikes and hammerfists. The pace slows with 40 seconds remaining, and the boos start to rain down. Sonnen stands over his opponent and rains down a big looping left that just misses.
XAVIER FOUPA-POKAM VS. DREW McFEDRIES: Round 1 - McFedries strikes first, drops his opponent, and batters him with a series of brutal blows. Foupa-Pokam somehow gets back to his feet, and he's popped with a big uppercut and again hits the canvas. McFedries follows with more brutal shots as Foupa-Pokam is pinned against the cage. Yves Lavigne jumps in to stop it, though Foupa-Pokam initially protests.
CHAMP RASHAD EVANS VS. LYOTO MACHIDA (for light-heavyweight title): Round 2 - Machida misses with an early body kick. Machida fakes a shot and then backs off. Machida with another big body kick. He instantly clinches, can't force the takedown and quickly retreats out of Evans' reach. Machida lands an inside leg kick. Machida lands two nice punches, and Evans counters with two of his own. Evans lands a nice body kick after a lull in action. Machida fakes a charge, and Evans circles away and resets. Machida throws a combination. The first punch dazes Evans and the second drops him. Machida Charges in throwing wild blows that connect. The frantic pace continues even as Evans fights back. The blows mount up and have Evans staggered. A few more shots and a final left knock him out for good and force the TKO stoppage. - 31491
PAT BARRY VS. TIM HAGUE: Round 1 - All smiles as the fighters touch gloves. Hague throws the first punches and forces Barry to retreat before he charges forward with a looping right that partially connects. Barry, a smaller heavyweight, showing the speed and elusiveness he talked about. Barry stuns Hague with a combo and head kick and has his dazed. But Hague grabs hold and forces the fight to the mat to regroup. Barry takes to his knees, and Hague blankets him and locks in a guillotine choke when Barry pops out his head. After locking in the body triangle, Barry is forced to tap.
FRANKIE EDGAR VS. SEAN SHERK: Round 3 - Sherk swings with a sense of urgency, but Edgar patiently waits for an opening while circling away. Edgar throws a lazy hook, and Sherk makes him pay with a lightning-quick double-leg takedown. Edgar, though, quickly gets back to his feet. Both fighters look to shoot and knock noggins. Edgar goes high with a head kick that basically just lands as a face slap. Back to the center of the cage, and the pace slows a bit. Edgar shoots, Sherk quickly sees it coming, and we restart in the center of the cage. This time Sherk shoots. Edgar sprawls and easily defends from the takedown. The fighters trade punches again, and Edgar counters with a solid three-punch combo that lands. He then stuffs Sherk's shot and makes him pay with a quick right. With 10 seconds left, Sherk shoots one final time, but Edgar locks in a deep guillotine and pulls guard before the horn sounds.
DAN MILLER VS. CHAEL SONNEN: Round 2 - The fighters trade kicks. Miller catches one, but after a scramble for position, the fighters clinch against the cage, where Sonnen scoops up Miller and slams him to the mat. Sonnen again gets trapped in a guillotine, but he frees himself and works the body with punches. Miller tries to pull him tight from below, but Sonnen postures up and drops a solid elbow strike to the face. Sonnen works a few hammerfists to the mug and follows with shots to the body. Sonnen's assault slows before Miller slaps on an armbar. He tries to stretch it out, but Sonnen breaks free and returns to his opponent's guard. Miller again pulls him close, but Sonnen gets through a couple elbow strikes and hammerfists. The pace slows with 40 seconds remaining, and the boos start to rain down. Sonnen stands over his opponent and rains down a big looping left that just misses.
XAVIER FOUPA-POKAM VS. DREW McFEDRIES: Round 1 - McFedries strikes first, drops his opponent, and batters him with a series of brutal blows. Foupa-Pokam somehow gets back to his feet, and he's popped with a big uppercut and again hits the canvas. McFedries follows with more brutal shots as Foupa-Pokam is pinned against the cage. Yves Lavigne jumps in to stop it, though Foupa-Pokam initially protests.
CHAMP RASHAD EVANS VS. LYOTO MACHIDA (for light-heavyweight title): Round 2 - Machida misses with an early body kick. Machida fakes a shot and then backs off. Machida with another big body kick. He instantly clinches, can't force the takedown and quickly retreats out of Evans' reach. Machida lands an inside leg kick. Machida lands two nice punches, and Evans counters with two of his own. Evans lands a nice body kick after a lull in action. Machida fakes a charge, and Evans circles away and resets. Machida throws a combination. The first punch dazes Evans and the second drops him. Machida Charges in throwing wild blows that connect. The frantic pace continues even as Evans fights back. The blows mount up and have Evans staggered. A few more shots and a final left knock him out for good and force the TKO stoppage. - 31491
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Diego Penn invites you to watch Penn VS Sanchez UFC 107. For laughs, you can Watch Royal Pains Free.